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What's on our mind and heart?

Reproductive Freedom

Reproductive freedom is a fundamental human right, and I am steadfast in my support for a person's autonomy over their own body. I will advocate tirelessly for policies that protect and expand reproductive healthcare access, including abortion services, contraception, and comprehensive sex education. Every individual should have the right to make their own decisions about their reproductive health without interference from politicians or special interests.


 Public Education

Education is the great equalizer, but too often, disparities in funding and resources create barriers to success for students in underserved communities. I will fight for equitable funding for public schools, ensuring that every child has access to a high-quality education, regardless of their zip code. Investing in our public schools is an investment in our future, and I will prioritize policies that support educators, reduce class sizes, and provide resources for student success.

LGBTQ+ Civil Rights

LGBTQ+ individuals deserve full equality under the law, free from discrimination and prejudice. I will advocate for comprehensive civil rights protections for LGBTQ+ people, including nondiscrimination laws in employment, housing, and public accommodations. No one should face discrimination or harassment because of their sexual orientation or gender identity, and I will work tirelessly to advance policies that protect the rights and dignity of all Pennsylvanians.

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Common Sense
Gun Safety

Gun violence is a public health crisis that demands urgent action. I will advocate for common-sense gun safety measures, including universal background checks, closing loopholes in existing laws, and banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. We must prioritize the safety of our communities and enact sensible reforms to prevent senseless tragedies. I will stand up to the gun lobby and fight for policies that save lives and protect our families.

Defending Against Christian Nationalism

The separation of church and state is a foundational principle of our democracy, enshrined in the First Amendment. I will defend this principle and oppose any efforts to blur the lines between religion and government. Government policies should be based on reason, evidence, and the common good, not religious doctrine. I will work to ensure that all individuals have the freedom to practice their religion or belief system without interference from the government, and that no one is favored or disfavored because of their religious beliefs.

Marriage Equality

Marriage equality is a cornerstone of a just and inclusive society. LGBTQ+ couples deserve the same rights and recognition as any other couple, and I will champion marriage equality legislation in Pennsylvania. Love knows no bounds, and denying LGBTQ+ individuals the right to marry who they love is discriminatory and unjust. I will work to ensure that all Pennsylvanians can marry the person they choose, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.

Racial Justice

Telling the hard truth about racism and working together toward justice are essential for healing the wounds of the past and building a future that includes everyone. I will facilitate honest conversations in all settings, linking arms as we confront and dismantle structures of oppression and inequality. By listening to and learning from each other, our lives and our communities will be stronger, healthier, brighter, more colorful and much more interesting.

Animal Rights

Puppy mills thrive in Lancaster County, PA, a region notorious for its high concentration of such breeding operations. My campaign aims to raise awareness about the cruel conditions in which many dogs are kept and to promote stronger regulations to protect animal welfare for all of our four-legged friends. This effort is part of a broader movement supported by organizations like United Against Puppy Mills, which educates the public on the unethical practices of puppy mills and advocates for legislative changes to end these practices​ (United Against Puppy Mills)​. I am in the trenches with you.

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